Sunday, April 1, 2012

Fantasy Project/weekly post

For my fantasy project, I decided to go with a mythical creature from the ocean. I cut up an old undershirt and scribbled blue, pink, and green sharpie all along the back of it. On the back, I made it look like an old washed up ripped shirt, by cutting slits throughout the back and the sides. On the front I added translucent colorful (blue, purple, pink) glittery ribbon to the front of it to look like scales. I also curled up some ribbon and attached it to the sides. Along with the front of it, I attached shells to a string so that when I did my swaying movement, they would 'clack' together.

I really liked this week how we got a work day. It really helped me manage my time for the week, with other homework. I also liked the fact that we could get opinions on the process of our work. Going to the mint was really neat too. I really loved the fantasy, fairytales, and fear exhibit, that I actually went for the second time the other day. My favorite piece was the tar carriage/ wolf. Also, when we researched Nick Cave, his work was really inspiring. I loved his work of the bushy colorful wearables that would create so much movement and sound when the performer moved in them.

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