Friday, April 6, 2012

Tony Ourlser

I just do not understand Tony Oursler's art.  As the book states, it is demented, and tormented.  The first question that came to my mind was just, why? Tony's answer was that he wanted the despicable to seem tolerable. 
Out of researching his pieces more the only one that I actually liked was this one below:
I think this one caught my eye because it wasn't disturbing to look at. It reminds me of a cloud. 
I really do like his style of using videos, to create a 4D effect of his work.  I wondered why he chose this style. To my surprise, the book states that he does his work NOT to create emotion. 

I found myself wondering how I would react if I ever saw any of his work. I do not think I would like it one bit. The book states that noise plays of screaming and crying. It makes me question his statement of how he does not mean to create emotion, when he has such nerve-racking displays of work. 
So after reading, I am left wondering still why he does what he does, how he even thought of it in the beginning, and how he choses what features to display.

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