Sunday, March 18, 2012

Lorna Simpson + Fantasy Project

Only knowing that Lorna Simpson is a photographer, I began to wonder what kinds of photos she takes, and what they reflect. I also want to know what her artwork style looks like, and if she has done any other work besides photography

Lorna Simpson is a very accomplished artist. She has had many exhibitions in her career. Her work represents the struggle between the master and the slave that Sojourner Truth fought. Her work reflects a lot of African American's battle with racism. Her style of her work in all of her photography is the effect of using black and white. Later in her career Lorna has branched out into filmmaking and she includes other genders, races and identities in her work.

After reading this I began to wonder why she decided to branch into film making, and what is her reasoning of all of her work being in black and white. I also want to know why is all of her work focused on one topic.


After last class period, I began to think of what to do for the fantasy project.
There are just so many options when it comes to fantasy. I want to make something the either revolves around aliens, or mermaids, or even a completely made up figure. I need to go to good will and try to find something, and maybe that will give me ideas.

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