Monday, March 12, 2012

Power of society

For this project, I chose a tie to represent power. A tie can show power in many different ways. I burnt my first tie to show that power can be corrupt. That people can have power for all of the wrong reasons.
My second tie represents the power that unemployment and struggle can have over you. 
The third tie represents the power of money. People thrive off of money. Money can tear people apart and bring people together. It represents the power of the economy. 

My last tie is to show that power can be good. The power of love. If its love for your significant other, or love for a passion that you have. Power can have a good effect over you when it is positive.

Overall I am really proud of myself for this project. These images came out exactly as I wanted them to. Usually I have a vision in my head, and its hard to get it off of paper, but I thought I did a nice job of portraying power through ties. The only thing that I wish I had done better was find the right words when describing each one.

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