Sunday, February 26, 2012

Shirin Neshat

Before reading this, I wondered what kind of art Shirin Neshat does. I would also like to know the reasons to why she creates what she does. The last question I had was what is the process she goes through to create her work.

When reading this I discovered that develops her culture into her work.  A section of her work includes video installations.  Her most popular video is Women Without Men.  In 1973 she moved from Iran to the United States to pursue school in California. She quickly discovered the change in people's physical appearance and public behavior.  In her work she goes back and forth between these two worlds that she knows. She tries to combine the elements of social, cultural and political in her work.  

My questions now include what the the school in California offer to her to make her want to move to another country. Another question is what is her next project, and then my last question is how long does it take her to create her videos.

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