Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Text (Matthew Ritchie)

Before reading this text, I wondered to myself how Matthew Ritchie used mapping in his art work. I also wondered what the process was when he created his work. I also wondered what makes his work so popular
When reading this text about him, it was hard to understand. I kept having to re-read the paragraphs over and over again.  He uses mapping in his artwork to guide the audience along as they negotiate the functions that his artwork has to offer.  Matthew Ritchie's method of creating his art starts out as captivating the audience by the shapes and colors he uses, then after that the audience will realize that there is an under lining meaning to those shapes and colors he uses.  Then the third stage is the audience interaction.  The fourth stage (or plateau) is the metaphor stage, and then the last plateau occurs after looking at the piece of art. It is when the viewer leaves seeing Ritchie's view point.  When all of those plateaus are combined together, I gathered that that was what made his artwork so popular.
After reading this text about Matthew Ritchie, it made me question whether I go through the same methods as he does when creating. I also thought about what I am going to do for my own mapping artwork. I also thought about what style Matthew Ritchie has that makes him unique.

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