Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Mapping Project

For the mapping project, I had no clue where to begin. The topic has so many possibilities that I had no clue where to start. Paths instantly popped in my head when mapping was brought up. From there I decided to create an installation marking my paths I go around my room with string. Once I got to Michael's Craft Store to get string, it dawned on me that I could split it up, and add color. I decided from there to map out a path of my morning before I go to classes, and then at night when my classes are done.

It was hard to document on the string in one shot of a picture, but I tried to get different angles and view points to help the viewer solve the maze of where I go in the morning/night.

Here are a few pictures of my morning routine (wake up, eat, shower, etc):

Then I added a blue string to represent my night routine (hang out with friends, do homework, get ready for bed, etc): 

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