Monday, January 30, 2012

Today's class ( 1-30-12)

Today we talked about what the new project was going to be about, and that we should think outside of the box when it comes to 'time'.
We also went to the shutter art exhibit in the student union which was really awesome. I really enjoyed looking at the of the unique photographs and how the artist incorporated their photos into their pieces.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Mapping Project

For the mapping project, I had no clue where to begin. The topic has so many possibilities that I had no clue where to start. Paths instantly popped in my head when mapping was brought up. From there I decided to create an installation marking my paths I go around my room with string. Once I got to Michael's Craft Store to get string, it dawned on me that I could split it up, and add color. I decided from there to map out a path of my morning before I go to classes, and then at night when my classes are done.

It was hard to document on the string in one shot of a picture, but I tried to get different angles and view points to help the viewer solve the maze of where I go in the morning/night.

Here are a few pictures of my morning routine (wake up, eat, shower, etc):

Then I added a blue string to represent my night routine (hang out with friends, do homework, get ready for bed, etc): 

Week 2

This week was full of critiques. This was our first critique in this concepts class, and the project was mapping. It was really neat seeing everyone's interpretations of what mapping/maps meant to them. The projects ranged from songs to videos to paintings. I wasn't too sure what to expect on this first project, but after seeing how much free will we get on these projects has made me excited for the next one.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Text (Matthew Ritchie)

Before reading this text, I wondered to myself how Matthew Ritchie used mapping in his art work. I also wondered what the process was when he created his work. I also wondered what makes his work so popular
When reading this text about him, it was hard to understand. I kept having to re-read the paragraphs over and over again.  He uses mapping in his artwork to guide the audience along as they negotiate the functions that his artwork has to offer.  Matthew Ritchie's method of creating his art starts out as captivating the audience by the shapes and colors he uses, then after that the audience will realize that there is an under lining meaning to those shapes and colors he uses.  Then the third stage is the audience interaction.  The fourth stage (or plateau) is the metaphor stage, and then the last plateau occurs after looking at the piece of art. It is when the viewer leaves seeing Ritchie's view point.  When all of those plateaus are combined together, I gathered that that was what made his artwork so popular.
After reading this text about Matthew Ritchie, it made me question whether I go through the same methods as he does when creating. I also thought about what I am going to do for my own mapping artwork. I also thought about what style Matthew Ritchie has that makes him unique.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day 2

The second day of class helped me get a better understanding of mapping. It helped me brainstorm for our project coming up. It was really interesting to learn about the artists. I liked Matthew Ritchie's work a lot.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

First Day

Today was the first day of concepts. I wasn't quite sure what to expect, because I didn't know much about the class. Now that I know what the class is all about, I am very excited to do the projects in this class. I really like the idea that all of our projects are really open ended and allow us to really use our creativity.