Sunday, May 6, 2012

Free Project

For our last project, all of my brainstorm ideas completely changed last minute this weekend. I decided to capture photos of the four classical elements of the environment (Earth, Air, Fire, and Water).
My intentions were originally set out to do that balloon idea (which actually I used one shot in the end). After the balloon photo shoot, the pictures didn't really turn out like I wanted them to. Also, to make matters worse, my photoshop trial ran out, and I could not edit them the way I wanted to in this amount of time.
Here are a couple of the failed photos:

I was really inspired by Rosie Hardy & Alex Stoddard's work. 

A group of friends and I went camping this weekend, and I decided to bring my camera along. I ended up really liking how the photos all turned out, and it brought a whole new idea to my head. The four classical elements of the environment. 





Friday, May 4, 2012

last project

For this last project, I have been brainstorming ideas since day 1. A couple weeks ago, I thought of doing a photo shoot revolved around the theme "It's my party and I'll cry if I want to". Yesterday I got a couple of my friends to help me out and we put up balloons all over my dorm room wall. I still have to edit the pictures, but I'm not sure that they turned out like I wanted them to.

But yesterday/today a group of us went camping, and I brought along my camera. I took a lot of pictures that came out really well, and I thought of a completely new theme that revolves around "fire and water" complete opposites.
I've been really inspired by Rosie Hardy's photography.

Right now, I am downloading the trial run of Adobe Light Room from Adobe's website & I am going to try to edit the pictures to see if they come out like the vision in my head.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Free project

For my project the media I have to use is photo. I was thinking about doing a theme that involves "it's my party and I'll cry if I want to". Lately I've been listening to a lot of music from around that time and it got me thinking about how that song kinda of relates to how stressed I am about school ending. School is so much fun, but all of this work is stressing me out to no end. I was thinking about getting a ton of balloons and confetti and then in the middle of all the fun chaos is a pissed off girl.

I also had another idea about doing an American theme. My friends and I always talk about our American pride, so I thought it would be kind of fun to do a theme based off of that.

My brain is still running with ideas because it's so hard to chose because this is so open ended!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Ecology - Project

For this art project, the first thing that came to my mind when it comes to Ecology was leaves.

One of the last things that I had to chose from was found object, so I decided that building a tree out of sticks from my yard and then I decided to buy fake leaves because the leaves that I picked died.

My concept for this project was to show how this generation has taken nature for granted. Kids these days don't play outside in the Yard for hours like I used to, they play on their iPads instead. The fake leaves represent the plastic that the new generations have come to be so attached to.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Guest speaker

I absolutely loved the guest speakers work. I feel bad, because im blanking on her name right now, but her work was so inspiring. I loved the piece where her husband was grabbing at the star. All of her work really spoke up about what the meaning was and was really powerful. It made me want to go out and take pictures. You could tell that so much heart went into each piece.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Daily post

Today in class we watched two videos and I didn't really care for either of them. The second one especially I didn't really like. It was really slow and boring, and I don't really see how it was art. Some of the photos that we looked at we're cool, like the one over looking the factory, but the the ones were it was from the junk pile I didn't like that much.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Ecology project

For my Ecology project. An idea I have at the moment is to collect a bunch of sticks and leaves, and create a tree out of the sticks and paint the leaves different colors that you normally wouldn't see in nature and attach them to the stick tree.

The one problem I have with this is that, there really is no meaning behind what I want this piece to say. I just think that it would be a cool idea to make.